Monday 25 April 2011

Beautiful Hands (Part Three)

For all of you in the U.K, I hope that you have had a wonderful weekend celebrating Easter in the sun!

Today we will be enjoying the second part of our Neal's Yard Home Hand Care Manicure. Last time we had taken a look at our hands and decided what shape we would like them and if there are any issues that we need to look at and treat. So today we are looking at cuticles and skin care for our hands. For this part you will need the following:

If you choose to leave your nails free from nail varnish, today will be the last step in your Neal's Yard Home Hand Care Manicure, however the next blog will be looking at how to apply colour to your nails which can be a great finish to any manicure!

Cuticles can be quite dry and come up too far the nail plate and when this happens they are prone to splitting, bleeding and generally causing a nuisance; that is why it is important to deal with them regularly. You can start to gently push them back when ever you dry your hands with a towel during the day, which is a great way to keep on top of them. As with my nails, about 12 days ago I stopped looking after my cuticles and allowed them to grow up so that we take a look at them together.

My nail plates are very strong and healthy and I can thank a good diet, a regular exercise program and the fact that I work with some beautiful massage oils to keep them looking great! It is true that your nails are can show how well you are on the inside. If they are weak, brittle and flake then you may want to start taking a look at how many essential fatty acids there are in your diet as you may not be eating enough. An avocado every couple of days can really help!

However, there is a myth that I would like to break; many people believe that if you have white patches on your nails it means that calcium problem. It's not true as all they are is a part of the nail that got bashed when it was being created in the matrix at the bottom of the nail plate. It will grow out and not cause any problems, so don't worry.

If you have ridges going in a horizontal line in your nails, again this is not something to worry about as it is just another part of the matrix being damaged when the nail was being formed. With time you can grow this out and buffing your nails every week can really help reduce it's appearance. (Buffing Blocks look like the one to the left and come with 4 grades of buffer on them, one on each side).

When you have a ridge in your nail in a vertical line however, you will almost always have that for a long time and maybe not be able to get rid of it. It generally shows that there is permanent damage to the matrix.

Is your problem that the nail comes away from the finger? Do you have a build-up of skin between the nail and finger? Do you have pitting in the nail? All of these and more nail problems are very common and I see them in the treatment room every day, but at that point I do like my clients to see a G.P or Dermatologist, both of whom can send away a sample of the nail and skin to see if there are any infections that can be treated through medication or another form of therapy. They can also rule out Psoriasis and Eczema for you as well.

So now we can start with where we left of last time!

  1. Now you have filed your nails and are happy with the shape of the them, it is time to look at your cuticles.
  2. Soak your hands in the warm water for a couple of minutes to soften the cuticles and take time to relax. There is no rush!
  3. Take your Neal's Yard Melissa Nail Balm and put a drop the size of a grain of rice on the nail and massage it in around the cuticle.
  4. Now, take an Orange Stick and cover the angled tip in cotton wool by simply making it a little damp and then rolling it over the cotton wool. You don't want to make it too thick, but the cotton stops the stick poking the cuticle too much and damaging the matrix.
  5. Now simply rest the angled edge on the nail plate and gentle push down to the bottom of the nail plate so that you gently push back the cuticle.
  6. Using the nail buffer, simply use it over your nails gently, using the 3 gentle steps as the first step on any buffer is normally too abrasive for any nail plate to take kindly too. Don't over work the buffer as your nail plate only needs about 4 sweeps per step.
  7. Now take your Neal's Yard Nourishing Melissa Hand Polish and massage it in to your hands and really work it into any dry patches of skin. Rinse it off in the warm water and then dry the hands on a towel.
  8. Pick up the Neal's Yard Wild Rose Beauty Balm and massage it into your hands and nails. The product is rich and moisturising, it nourishes the hands and treats the cuticles well. It also offers a deeply cleansing treatment and is your all round emergency skin saver! Once well massaged in, simply pop your hands into the plastic bags and enjoy the Neal's Yard Wild Rose Beauty Balm as a hand masque for 10 mins.
  9. Remove the bags and rinse the Neal's Yard Wild Rose Beauty Balm off your hands and nails. You can do this by using your Geranium and Orange Hand Wash.
  10. Now look at your nails and make sure you are happy with them.
  11. If you are leaving your nails nude of nail varnish, I would just pick up the orange stick and gently work under the free edge of the nail to get rid of excess product to leave it clean and clear. I would also take the softest side of my buffer and do a quick once over with that on my nail plate.
  12. Now pick up your Neal's Yard Melissa Hand Cream and massage into the hand and enjoy your beautifully kept hands and nails.
I think I have found an answer to the video problem, and although it isn't perfect it may just work! I'll try and get it sorted by the end of the week so we can really start to do this treatment together! 

In the next blog you will need your nail varnish remover and your chosen colour, so make sure you have them to hand for the final part of this Neal's Yard Home Hand Care Manicure with me! 

Thursday 21 April 2011

Beautiful Hands (Part Two)

This is your first step in our series of my Neal's Yard Home Hand Care Manicure.

I am going to do this great treatment right along side you and for this I have spent the past week trashing my nails! We will see how we can take them from quite a dishevelled place to very healthy and pretty nails in a relativity short space of time. I clipped them with nail clippers 8 days ago so that the the shape was uneven and that a few of them could split and peel. I have also been on the Climbing Walls 4 times in 5 days, so they have been dumped in a load of chalk to dry them out as well as being a little torn on the hand holds. Many people have nails like mine; hard working and in need of some love, so lets get working on them together!

The photo shows you how you can set up your Neal's Yard Home Hand Care Manicure easily at home so you have all your products and equipment to hand if you choose to carry out the whole treatment. (Flowers are an added option!)

Today though we will be going through the first steps and for this you will need to have your

Today we are going to take a look at how to file nails and shape them. 'Don't waste my time, I have been doing that for years!' I hear you cry! Well yes, I know that it may sound like a basic step, but so many people get it wrong! If you file your nails correctly the layers that create your nail plate won't end up splitting and it helps prevent splits and peels in the future.

You have 3 layers to your nail and they are created mainly in the nail matrix at the base of the nail. If they have ever split and peeled you will know this as you can see where the layers clearly. Take a look at my right thumb today for a good example!

You can choose to have long or short nails, rounded or squared nails, but what ever style you go for the way you file them is the same. For me, I need to keep mine short for work and I like them to be rounded, so I simply follow the shape of the nail and work round.

Now it is time to start relaxing and give your hands a treat!

Neal's Yard Home Hand Care Manicure

Beginning Steps:

  1. Take time to take a look at your nails and work out if you how you would like them to look. Also check out for splits and peeling as you will probably want to make your nails short enough to get rid of them today.
  2. Also check to see if you have any dry patches, sun damage, cuts or bruises on your hands so you can start to treat them at home appropriately.
  3. Also have a good look at your cuticles and see what state they are in. Are they torn and painful or are they just in need of some TLC?
  4. Use the nail varnish remover to take off old varnish, or simply wipe over the nail with it to take off today's oils and grime.
  5. Place your hands in the bowl of warm water and wash them with your Orange and Geranium Hand Wash. Pat them dry on the towel.
  6. Take your nail file and start to file from one side of the nail to the other and only file in ONE direction! This stops a build up of heat in the nail so that the layers don't come away from each other and peel.
  7. Take your nail file and with the end of it simply go from one side to the other in down wards strokes. This is called 'Bevelling' and not only finishes the shape off but also helps bring all the layers together. Don't drag the nail file up as it will encourage the nail plate to come away from the nail bed.
  8. Now take your orange stick and gently wipe it under the nail edge to get rid of any filing or dirt.
  9. Check that you are happy with the shape of all your nails. Wash your hands again and apply your Melissa Hand Cream and apply your sun screen if you are going out in the sun.

Tomorrow we will be looking at how to treat your cuticles, look after dry skin with your Nourishing Melissa Hand Polish, as well as buffing your nails. Then we will be ready to treat them to some beautiful nourishment with your Wild Rose Beauty Balm.

I hope that you enjoy it and that it not only empowers you to look after your bodies at home in conjunction with your regular Body Treatment with your Therapist, but that it also gives you an oasis of time to yourself in this hectic world.

This blog really needs a video, so I am going to try and get one made up soon and get it up here. However I hope you can bare with me and put up with the photos for a bit!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Beautiful Hands (Part One)

Not many of you know this about me, but I feel it is about time that I come clean; When I started training in Body Therapy in 1999 I was totally touch phobic. I couldn't receive a hug from family or friends with out feeling like my skin was crawling and I couldn't watch anything like 'Casualty'! How I got from that point to doing my job is for another blog, but I cannot thank my Beauty Therapy Diploma enough which help me through it! It's not an uncommon phobia and not everyone gets over it, but what really helped me was the fact that my course started with Manicures: No one had to touch my torso and I didn't have to shed any clothing, I could simply get used to someone holding my hand and I worked it out from that point on.

Over the few blogs I would like to share my great Neal's Yard - Home Hand Care Manicure with you for you to do at home. Going for a Manicure Treatment at your local salon is something that you should all find time slot in your diary for every 6 weeks if you choose to keep your nails naturally. The reason for this is that I feel that only a Therapist can truly offer you a great treatment for cuticle removal. Clippers, knives and nippers are best handled under a very bright light with steady hands by a trained third person!

I feel that it is vital to look after your hands and nails as it tells the rest of the world that you look after your whole body. You may have a bad skin and hair day, but if your hands and nails are looking neat, everyone will know that tomorrow you'll be looking amazing!

The blogs in this series can all be taken separately, so you can just take a solo blog, carry out the method with the recommended products and know that you will get a great result. Or you can follow the blogs in sequence and carry out a full Home Hand Care Manicure that will take about 45 minutes. If you can make a special time for yourself in the diary each week, I would highly recommend it as it not only gives you time to relax, but it will help reduce your stress levels.
  • Find a room that is comfortable and get all the bits you need for your Home Hand Care Manicure out and ready to use so that you don't have to get up and find things all the time.
  • Turn on your favourite music or radio station
  • Turn off the phone
  • Get yourself a drink of your choosing
  • Tell any family or friends that you may live with that you are out of action for an hour and then shut the door so you can enjoy in peace!

The products that I recommend for your Hand Therapy Home Care are all from Neal's Yard and you can simply click on to my Neal's Yard online shop to order them:

  • Geranium and Orange Hand Wash
  • Nourishing Melissa Hand Polish
  • Melissa Hand Cream
  • Nourishing Melissa Nail Balm
  • Wild Rose Beauty Balm

You will also need to get some:
  • Nail Varnish Remover
  • A nail file
  • Cotton Wool
  • Orange sticks
  • A Nail Buffer
  • A Nail Brush
  • Nail Varnish of your choosing
  • One large bowl
  • One small bowl
  • 2 towels
  • 2 plastic bags (Zip-Lock ones are great!)

Tomorrow we will be looking at the basics of starting your Home Hand Care Manicure and I will be showing you the best way to file your nails and shape them.

Friday 15 April 2011

Serious Relief For Sensitized Skin

Part 4!

Today we are in the treatment room with Dermalogica's brnad new line UltraCalming!

If you have red, itching , burning skin – don't conceal it. Control it! The Dermalogica UltraCalming treatment offers you serious relief for sensitized skin that calms, soothes and replenishes even the most aggravated, inflamed skin. By targeting the triggers behind your flare ups, this skin care treatment will help your skin recover it's health for long term relief from your itching and stinging.

I love this super soothing treatment and I am really excited about offering it to you from the beginning of May, when UltraCalming hits Cornerstone Therapies! I see clients suffering from couperose skin, dilated capillaries, angry acne and skin suffering from an environmental stress and sun damage every day. The fact that I can now target your Skin Care Treatments to help restore the health of your skin really excites me.

There are two professional products that I would like to bring your attention too today that are combined with some from the retail range in this great Skin Care Treatment. They will be used if and when it is appropriate to your skin, and so I shall carry out Dermalogica's unique Face Mapping skin Analysis for you. Face Mapping allows me to look at your skin in 14 different zones and each zone may have it's own concern that needs addressing.

For example; I may find dehydration problems in all zones, oily patches on zones 7 and 12, but angry acne around zones 11 and 13. Here we would be looking to controlling the oily zone 7 with a clay based masque and deep hydration will come into play through out the rest of the zones. In zones 11 and 13 we can really calm the redness of the acne and cool the inflammation.

Another common example is when I see dilated capillaries in zones 5, 9 and 14. This is normally down to some sort of sun damage in the past. However we can still work to help the appearance of these red patches with the UltraCalming range by building the skin's tolerance to the environment as well as protecting it from the sun.

The products to help us on the way are: UltraCalming Complex and Clinical Colloidal Masque.

UltaCalming Complex
Many of you will be surprised to find out that caffine has been added to this product, but it has been chosen as it helps to constrict the capillaries and this reduce the appearance of redness on the skin.
Hyaluronic Acid holds a thousand times it's own weight in water, thus hydration levels are really ramped up by using it. Hydration is key to calming skin as it aids your skin to function and to repair it's lipid barrier, which in sensitised skin is often damaged.
Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B) has hydration benefits as well as healing prperties as it helps promote tissue repair.
Apart from a concentrated amount of UltraCalming Complex that helps reduce sensitivity, irritation and inflammation, we can also count on the presence of yeast! Yeast stimulates oxygen consumption and combats irritation. It also works well with Panthenol to aid in tissue repair.
Clinical Colloidal Oatmeal
This classic masque is soothing and calming that helps boost the immune function of ultra-sensitive, irritated skin. When mixed with water, a creamy consistency develops that is ideal for a gentle application. It can relive the itchiness of eczema, soothe rashes and is ideal for sun or wind burned skin. It's an all round super remedy and all it is is pharmaceutical grade oatmeal!

So why not pop in for a Skin Care Treatment at Cornerstone Therapies and see how UltraCalming can be added to your time on the couch to aid your skins needs. Every Skin Care Treatment I carry out includes a full Face Map skin analysis, so you can completely trust that the facial you receive is tailor made for you and you alone.

Simply email me at for more information and to book your treatments.

All information has been provided through the UltraCalming Professional Training Guide from Dermalogica.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Serious Relief For Sensitized Skin

Part Three!

This week we are taking a look at the burning issue of skin sensitivity with Dermalogica's brand new UltraCalming line. Today we will be focusing on your personal Bio-Sensitivity Score.

The quiz below has been developed by Dermalogica to help you see how you sit within the world of sensitivity. Take a moment to fill out the scores and then tot up your total at the end.

What is your BioSensitivity Score?

Certain foods make my skin flare-up
0 – Never 1- Sometimes 2- Frequently 3 - Always

My Stress level is:
0- Low 2 – Moderate 3 – High

When I am stressed, my face/neck/chest react with redness
0 – Never 1- Sometimes 2- Frequently 3 - Always

My skin itches/burns in response to fragrance, certain fabrics etc
0 – Never 1- Sometimes 2- Frequently 3 - Always

I have dry patches on my skin that are tight and itchy
0 – Never 1- Sometimes 2- Frequently 3 - Always

I live in a metroplitan/ densley popluated area
0 – No 1- Yes

I have seen a skin care professional for microdermabrasion, retinol, peels or Isotrtinoin
0- Never 1- Within the past 6 months 2 – in the past month

Your score!

1-6                   7+

The quiz covers all the major elements that are common to creating skin sensitivity. Inflammation can be genetic and here in Northern Europe we are much more susceptible to being genetically inflamed! However if you are from nearer the equator you are less likely to have the genes to make you hyper alert, but you may have other factors in your life that are causing you problems. What we all have in common though is the outside environment which can become a daily onslaught to the skin.

If your skin Bio-Sensitivity was between 1 and 6, then you will be aware of some sensitivity that is causing you discomfort. Although your skin care routine may be working perfectly well, a couple of products from the UltraCalming line may well help you. For example, simply using UltraCalming Mist after you have cleansed and then the UltraCalming Serum Concentrate before your normal moisturiser and sunscreen may the answer.

If you scored over 7, (mine was 15!), then you may want to look at making UltraCalming your primary remedy for your sensitive needs. As UltraCalming not only calms the skin but also builds the skins tolerance, you may find that you only need to use the whole range for a while and then reassess your needs, keeping a couple of key Ultracalming products in your armoury for daily use and for when you flare up.

Always purchase your products after a full Face Map has been completed at Cornerstone Therapies as the advise will be different for every skin.

Tomorrow is the last blog of the week when we will be in the treatment room and looking at how UltraCalming can be incorporated into your Skin Care Treatment with me at Cornerstone Therapies.

All information has been provided through the UltraCalming Professional Training Guide from Dermalogica. 

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Serious Relief For Sensitized Skin

Part Two!

Today we will be taking a closer look at the product line that actually builds your skins tolerance: Dermalogica's UltraCalming system!

There are 5 stunning products for you to take away with you after your Skin Care Treatments at Cornerstone Therapies. For people like me with skin that flushes, feels hot and itches and burns at the drop of a hat, you may need to use the whole system for a certain amount of time. If your inflammation is only apparent in certain zones of your skin, you may need just a couple from the range to tie into your already customized skin care routine. Tomorrow we will be looking at what your Bio-Sensitivity Score is, and from there you can start thinking about how to sooth your skin in a strategic and personalized manner.

So let's take a close look at these fantastic new products!

UltraCalming Cleanser! The new formula.
For those of you who used the previous version of UltraCalming cleanser, you wont be disappointed with this new and updated formula.
This is an extremely gentle, pH balanced cream/gel that glides easily over the face and eyes to cleanse your skin. It has the added bonus of being totally Sulphate Free, so even people with the most reactive skin can enjoy this 'must have' product. It rinses away easily with water, or you can wipe it away with a damp cotton pad. It doubles up as a non-waterproof makeup remover, so is ideal if you travel a lot.
The UltraCalming Complex reduces sensitivity, and raspberry promotes healing whilst also soothing inflamed skin. Lavender acts as your antiseptic and disinfectant and Cucumber contains your cooling agents. Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B) makes and appearance as well to aid in tissue regeneration and acts as a humectant.

UltraCalming Mist
This replaces Soothing Protection Spray, which many people loved. However those with inflamed acne said that they didn't like the feeling of the residue that it left on the skin. So The Mist has launched to help sooth and hydrate skin whilst quickly reliving sensitivity. It calms stinging and aggravation on the skin really quickly and feels as light as a feather, quickly absorbing into the skin and leaving no trace. You can even use it during the day over makeup.
Because keeping hydrated when suffering from sensitised skin, this product is key to keeping that moisture present in the skins cells. Use it after you have cleansed and before your treatment moisturiser for skin radiating with hydrated health.
Aloe Vera is the skin soothing agent that we are interested in with this product as it is well known for its soothing and healing qualities. Used in conjunction with the UltraCalming Complex, you simply can't go wrong with it.
In clinical case studies, the UltraCalming Mist has reduced wax-induced redness by 30%!

UltraCalming Serum Concentrate

The antidote for skin sensitivity! This great product helps interrupt inflammatory triggers to prevent flare-ups. It is best used every day so that the products have a continual effect on the skin. For those with inflamed acne, you can use this products on it's own as it will provide you with enough hydration on it's own. For those of you with Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis and sun damage it is great when used with Barrier Repair. Also, if you are having non-invasive cosmetic procedures, this is safe for you to use and will help to calm and sooth your skin after your treatments.
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-15 is the long word that makes the magic happen! It targets the nerve reaction in the skin and calms it right down for you by decreasing the release of pro-inflammatory mediators. It also increases the skin's sensitivity tolerance, so over time your skin will be less reactive.
In clinical case studies, the UltraCalming Serum Concentrate has reduced wax-induced redness by 21%!

Barrier Repair: The new formula!

This unique organic silicone anhydrous moisturiser melts into the skin and allows a your lipid barrier to repair whilst shutting out environmental assaults; helping to prevent further skin damage. Due to it's smooth and even base it is ideal to use before makeup application.
Oats, Evening Primrose and Borage Seed sit very snugly next to the UltraCalming Complex to promote a healing and calming effect. Silicones fortify the skin's natural defence against the elements and antioxidant help is found in the form of Vitamin C.
Simply pop this on after applying your UltraCalming Serum Concentrate for super smooth, protected skin.

UltraCalming Relief Masque

Finally a home care masque that has been developed for the sole purpose of calming the skin!
Enriched with Colloidal Oatmeal to calm hyper-sensitive skin, this cream masque cares for your skin and promotes healing. It is so gentle that you can even use it over your eyes, which is great for those of you who suffer from Eczema in this area. The soothing remedy can be used 2 or 3 times a week; simply pop it on after you have cleansed the skin and relax for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and follow with UltraCalming Mist and UltraCalming Serum Concentrate.
Do remember though, it does provide you with a protective layer after you have rinsed it off, so you will feel a silky smooth texture after the masque has been washed off.
The key ingredients next to the UltraCalming Complex are Protulaca Oleracea Extract that enriches the skin with Essential Fatty Acids, vitamins, flavanoids and anti-inflammatory agents which help control and reduce redness. The Colloidal Oatmeal helps to sooth your skin and mushroom extract reduces short and long term skin irritation.
In clinical case studies, the UltraCalming Relief Masque has reduced wax-induced redness by 15%!

Tomorrow we will be taking a closer look at your personal Bio-Sensitivity score and seeing how UltraCalming may help you to calm the fire in your cheeks!

All information has been provided through the UltraCalming Professional Training Guide from Dermalogica. 

Monday 11 April 2011

Serious Relief For Sensitized Skin


I have just come back from an amazing session at Dermalogica's U.K head office in Leatherhead to welcome a new edition to the family; UltraCalming.

I see sensitised skin in all forms during the skin care treatments that I perform. If you have aggressive acne, the likely hood is is that you will have redness showing where inflammation is present. If sun damage and premature ageing is on your mind, you may be aware that the dilated capillaries on your cheeks become more pronounced through sun exposure, stress or elements in your diet. Or, if like me, you suffer from a genetically sensitive and dry skin you may find that inflammation is your main concern every day. Also there is the other common cause of stressed out skin; commuting! Environmental stress on the skin is often a neglected area when talking about skin that flares, but it is equally as important as all the above.

The brutal fact is that 50% of woman and 30% of men are reporting sensitivity at some level (American Academy of Dermatology Fact Sheet). Seeing as that it is such an issue for so many of us, it is great news that Dermalogica has now launched UltraCalming.

UltraCalming has been developed over 5 years and has been Dermatologist tested by Dr Josh Leader in the U.S who has said that when used with his clients going through skin peels, micro-demerabrashion etc. their skins where calmer and healthier than those of his clients who didn't use the system. So not only has this unique range been tested in the lab, but also in the field to allow us to be able to stand behind it fully and say: 'This really works'.

It works on 3 fronts of attack:
  1. The Inflammatory Response: This is when the body's natural immune defence goes on hyper drive. You see an inflammation response when the skin gets red, hot and aggravated. This is just the body bringing lots of blood to what it sees as in attack and pumps loads of oxygen, lymph and white blood cells to try and get rid of the attack.
  2. The Nerve Response: This is basically when the nerves that permeate through the skin get very energized through either products on the skin, environmental pollution in the air and sun damage. The nerves send messages to the brain saying that the skin is in trouble and so you feel some kind of pain and irritation as it tries to cope with it.
  3. Lipid Barrier Breakdown: When ceramides, essential fatty acids and cholesterol are not present in the lipid barrier in the correct amounts, there will be a problem with the protective layer of the skin. This breakdown in the skin's 'mortar' allows irritation to set in. Therefore we have to make triple sure that this barrier is functioning in a healthy way as well as being hydrated.

True to Dermalogica's form there are products for you to take home and love as well as the products that are created for use in the skin care treatment with me at Cornerstone Therapies. All products contain four cooling, calming and super sensitive products that form the back bone of the range.
Oat Kernel, when used in 48 parts per million it has been shown to work. However, Dermalogica has harnessed it in 100 parts per million to offer you the highest quality and the best results. Oat Kernels have anti-irritant and anti-redness properties and when combined with a synthetic form of Hydroxyphenyl Propamidobenzoic Acid it is boosted to knew heights! It works on the inflammatory response of the skin.
Ginger and Chamomile: These two key products work in harmony to help reduce the inflammation and redness.
Red Hogweed: This settles the nervous form of inflammation by limiting the activity of pro-inflammatory elements. It has long lasting effects as it is welcomed into the skin over time. It does need time on the skin though, which is why it is not in the UltraCalming Cleanser.

PART TWO will be on your screens tomorrow when I will take a closer look at the products for you to take home and fall in love with, as well as the Professional Products that you can experience in your Skin Care Treatments with me at Cornerstone Therapies. 

All information has been provided through the UltraCalming Professional Training Guide from Dermalogica. 

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Wonder Woman!

I know, I am 2 days behind the band wagon; not a great look in this day and age, but there you go! However, I thought I would catch this brief bit of spare time and tell you about 'Wonder Woman' aka Jane Wurwand; the brains and passionate visionary behind Dermalogica.

David and I are lovers of coffee and the papers on a Sunday and as Nero's sells The Times, that is what we pour over. So this week, as I sat in a pool of sunlight and tried to avoid a rise in adrenalin over the screaming kids-camp that had set up downstairs, I found myself beaming from eat to ear as I saw a double page spread in The Sunday Times Style Magazine. Jane Wurwand, the girl who swept up hair in an Eastbourne hairdressers and then turned herself into a millionaire after creating Dermalogica was staring back at me.

Dermalogica has only ever paid for one advert and that was a couple of years back when Boots was trying to sell the products. The advert simply stated that in the UK there are 3000 licensed stockists and Boots isn't one of them. Dermalogica has succeeded because it works; it gives you simple good skin health with out promising miracles that it can't give. It doesn't need to advertise when there are so many people who have been helped through it and have then told their friends and family how great the system is. This is why it is so rare to see Dermalogica in any press and it means that Jane Wurwand and Dermalogica actually have a lot to say to warrant a this kind of 'unpaid for' article.

In Jane's own words: “I'd rather under claim and over deliver. Keep it factual – no miracles, no magic potions”. And that is why after 11 years I would still back the products over anything else. They simply works.

To see some great videos of Jane Wurwand explaining skin health then click on to:

Next week I am going to the launch of Dermalogica's new Ultra Calming System, so keep and eye out for a full review of that next Monday evening.

What I'm loving in the Treatment Room today: Multivitamin Theramfoliant!

A wonderful skin exfoliant from the AGE Smart series for use at home. It combine both forms of skin conditioning; physical and chemical to help redefine your skin texture, improve hydrations and combat the signs of ageing through it's active ingredients. Simply massage in to damp skin for 1 -2 minutes and rinse off. Follow with your prescribed masque twice to three times a week.

Music in the Treatment Room today: None today; the bird song outside is too lovely to mask. 

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